“I’m ready to stop hormonal contraception and allow my body to return to its natural cycle. It’s important to me that I don’t fall pregnant, however I want to learn more about my body, staying healthy and in harmony with my natural cycle.”
We can help…
Many women who have used hormonal contraception of one kind or another agree that given an opportunity they would rather go au naturale.
Side effects of hormonal contraception, such as the pill, can be unpleasant and sometimes serious or potentially life threatening.
As these potential dangers become better known, women and their partners are seeking alternatives.
Fertility awareness is:
Effective – Up to 99.6% effective in avoiding pregnancy.
Safe – No drugs, devices or side effects.
Free – Your long-term fertility is in your hands and won’t cost you a cent.
Good for women – Fertility awareness methods empower women to live in harmony with their natural cycle and gain control of their own fertility. No more overriding the body with hormonal medication to the detriment of health, well-being and wholeness.
Good for couples – Fertility awareness methods differ significantly from contraception in that they require daily attentiveness, to the body and to each other. As a couple, you will begin to integrate an ongoing conversation about fertility into your life together, expanding your knowledge of each other’s uniqueness and sharing the responsibility of family planning.